Our database provides automobile marketers and auto related brands with targeted information that no other mailing list on the market offers. This database of over 200 Million Vehicle Owners is multi-sourced using public and propriety data sets. Each record delivers access to a detailed profile of car owners in the United States. Marketers can target their audience by detailed auto specific demographics and accurate vehicle information, such as owner name, address, telephone, email, vehicle make, model, and year and VIN. Our list of automobile manufacturers updated regularly. Directly contact us to buy email list of automobile owners for the automation your email marketing campaign.
Access to over 250 Million Households names, addresses and automobile ownership details
Accurate permission based email address for automotive email marketing
Telephone numbers that are DNC Scrubbed (Do Not Call) for automobile telemarketing programs.
Cell phones and mobile phones for mobile append and text messaging
For over 15 years we have been offering our customers accurate prospecting data. When you use our list, you can expect to reach prospects that are 95% accurate – or your money back. Let us help you target your next car buyer using specially tailored demographics.
Vehicle Manufacturers
Vehicle Types
Vehicle Model
Vehicle Year
Vehicle Class or Body
Vehicle Purchased New or Used
Vehicle Purchased with or without a lien
Engine Size and Fuel Type
Purchased or Lease
Lease Expiration
Date the vehicle record was added to the database
Vehicle Title Date/Year
Odometer Mileage